Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a step in the right direction

how to start this thing.. god i've never been good at 'starting' journals, i always feel so overwhelmed by the whole nature of beginnings. i'm starting this online blog/journal/posting... thing. so to speak, so i may seek to inspire myself through something vaguely new.

i need to draw more, it's that simple. i'm just not doing it enough. or at all, rather. these past few months have been a dead slump of zilch, and for someone like me who's actually wanting quite badly to find a career where his illustration makes him the dough? that's some bad shit right there.

so my friend Alti, awesome designer and concept artist that he is, suggested i start this blog. The purpose herein being, to post shit. and to inspire myself to draw daily.

This gave me a really goddamned good idea, and what i'm going to be doing here is:

a.) posting a blog (obviously)
b.) i'm going to attempt to do at least 1 drawing a day. preferably more. in photoshop, with my new intuos3, and post it.
c.) hopefuly better myself as well.

This should accomplish, if i can keep it up, quite a number of things for me, by hopefully creating a decent, progressive online folio composed solely of digital images. It'll also get me better at drawing digitally, which.. my god, do i ever need to do. AND it'll inspire me to draw at all, which is the most important thing.

That said, let's get posting some art eh?

so, to start the whole shabang off, a sketch i'm actually quite proud of:


alti said...

A good start, i'l try to update mine more too. looking foward to the updates. see isnt it easy :)

GeckoKid said...

i don't see how you possibly can better yourself as you are the best, but okay, and yay for a blog!